Are you kidding me

6 Feb

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Why Harry Potter kinda sucks

ok let’s get this rright you think harry potter sucks because it’s british well lets look at the facts harry potter has made billions of dollers world wide and has pleased millions of fans both kids and adults across the globe it’s been translated into several different languages and has had eight films all of which have won adwards. Now lets look at twilight yes it’s american yes it has vampires but what it does with them is totally screw them up in the post you claimed harry potter has to much swearing but if you look at those scenes you’ll see thats how real people would re-act and twilight has alot of sexuall tension and people are always betraying each other and lets not let this fact go that the lead in twilight is BRITISH  and had a role in the fourth harry potter film so by disrisecting  the british and our country you are also hurting the star of the films you claim to love

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